N° 01 / 2019

What the Digital Future Looks Like

Artificial Intelligence Still Needs People

What the Digital Future Looks Like
What the Digital Future Looks Like
Prof. Oliver Herkommer
Prof. Oliver Herkommer
Managing PartnerIngenics Consulting
Dear Readers,

Networks came up trumps against lone fighters a long time ago. You could say that ant colonies have been showing us what to do since time immemorial. They are impressive communities that work seamlessly. Giants in the automotive industry also rely on networks. From the sharing economy to artificial intelligence, nobody builds up the relevant resources and skills in isolation any longer. Cooperation and collaboration are the order of the day, rather than separation and solitude. For some time, there has been a new way of thinking about added value. Modern problem-solving methods at the workplace, such as design thinking, also focus on learning how to understand others in order to solve their problems more effectively. As you may have guessed, networks provide the thematic focus of this first edition of the new Ingenics Magazine, which you have in front of you today.

A glance at the cover picture is enough to tell you that we have transformed the magazine – not only in terms of design, but also with regard to content. This is very much in keeping with the annual motto at Ingenics: “Next-Level Transformation.” Ingenics Magazine is the publication for decision makers in production and logistics. One of the main areas of focus is innovative, digital solutions with future potential – something that has been a central priority at Ingenics for the past four decades. With that in mind, this issue of the magazine also serves to commemorate our 40th anniversary.

Of course, we are curious to find out what our readers think about the latest edition, and we look forward to hearing your feedback. Get in touch and network with us!

Sincerely yours,
Oliver Herkommer

Our key themes in this issue

Artificial Intelligence
Page 06
Innovation LAB
Page 16
Process Mining
Page 18

The following articles may also be part of this issue

Digital Twin
Hype or Hope?
Design Thinking
Guest Contribution
Integral Model
HAWE Hydraulik
International Production Locations
Fab Lab

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